“The project far exceeded our original expectations. Everyone who saw one of the original copies raved about it. Thanks so much for all your refinement in the messaging, well-crafted language, superb attention to detail in the photography, and overall creative visioning. All in all a fantastic final product.”
Jeff Pritchard | Capital Campaign Director at Bloodworks
Nonprofit organizations across the board are receiving less government funding and therefore seeking even more support from outside donors. Bloodworks is a nonprofit blood center and research institute providing vital medical, transfusion, and lab services to 90 hospitals in Washington, Oregon, and Alaska – as well as driving leading-edge research on blood biology, transfusion, thrombosis, and blood disorders. In short, Bloodworks’ services and research initiatives save lives. 
Bloodworks needed to create a high-end major gifts brochure to support their fundraising efforts.
After pitching concepts developed with a copywriter, the client chose an oversized piece that included a double cover and unique duplicate image fly sheets. This emphasized in copy, original in-studio and editorial photography, and stunning design how, as humans, we are intertwined and have a responsibility to serve and protect each other by telling intimate healthcare stories.
The book educates potential donors on the lifesaving research for which Bloodworks needs funding. The piece is now being used by fundraisers in one-on-one meetings with potential major donors.
Art Director (Design, Photo Retoucher, Print Manager)
Copywriter, Photographer, Hair and Makeup Artist, Stylist, Printer

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